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Medicine Tec by VIP-VIRANT

....patented recipes for sensitive tasks

Anywhere, where high precision units or sensors for weakest signals are needed, VIP-VIRANT makes sure that the result is undisturbed.


The wide spectrum of competences, especially in the medicine sector comprising delivery, processing and assembly of high sensitive data medias (such as silver-coated copper, multi-layer dielectrics, special shielding and coating materials), stands for improvement of disturbing signal behavior of our medicine products, up the factor of 1000 in the most sensitive environment (with semiconducting layers) also up to factor 1 million.


To the extrem specifications (that are required in the medicine technology such as continuous quality in line with the assembly of medicine high tech units) VIP-VIRANT correlates from the very beginning. For nearly 2 decades we fulfill toughest requirements and continuously prove it in line with our "permanent diagnostic" of our inhouse quality assurance on daily basis.


No matter what material, plastics, PCBs, production processes (e.g. for crimped and tin-coated strands), assembly of complex harnesses or extensive soldering works - VIP-VIRANT Group is your reliable partner you trust.

Laser unit

Laser unit


Control board

Laser unit

Laser unit

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