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Automotive Tec by VIP-VIRANT

....the connection to your mobility demand

Everybody who knows the tough conditions of the automotive industry for its suppliers, knows how high the benchmark is for quality assurance and certification without friction losses and with favourable conditions. The VIP-VIRANT Group grew up in this extremly perfomance- and efficiency-oriented environment.


VIP-VIRANT group has been the professional partner of the international automotive industry for many years. The customers highly appreciate our high flexibility and our innovative system solutions of our inhouse development department.

The automotive manufacturers count on:
individual mechatronics, including cables, with state of the art assembling know how - for the cars of today with potential of tomorrow.


Highly complex control wiring of the engine, data transmission in the car or highly mechanical stressable ABS sensor wiring (securing the axle wiring), anntenna assemblies for intergrated system solutions and many more - these are only a few examples for application requirements we met due to our many years grown experience and know how.


Sperrkreis IP68

Trap IP68

Spoiler antenna

Spoiler antenna

FM+ Trap

FM+ Trap

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